Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Having Fun With Pronouns

Having Fun With Pronouns
(he, she, and they)

- 3 pronoun mats (he, she, they) slides 3 and 4

- 4 individual mats for students to store cards on (slides 5 and 6)
- 72 choosing the correct pronoun cards

- 72 fill in the blank cards

- 72 picture cards, for students to create his/her own sentence, using the correct pronoun

- 72 sentence strips: SLP may cut apart the words and have student form the sentence or have students match the strip to the picture.  Then the student would produce the sentence aloud.

- 18 name/people cards for students to determine the correct pronoun.

- 18 picture cards with sentences for students to determine the correct pronoun

- 18 picture cards with names for students to determine the correct pronoun. 

                                           Students will determine the correct pronoun given choices of he, she, and they.
                                            Students will fill in the blank using pronouns- he, she, or they.

                                          Students will correctly put together a students, cards can be used to help students formulate sentences.
Students or SLP will read the name/object on the card and determine what mat to place the card on (he, she, or they).
Have fun working on pronouns!!!!!
Enter to win a copy
Ends January 2, 2014


  1. I have several kids in my 4K and 5K classes working on pronouns. This would be a great activity to use with them.

  2. I appreciate that you included printed word sentence strips that can be cut apart into single words for rearranging into sentences! This will be perfect for one of my students that doesn't write and needs other forms of expressing what he reads and knows! Thank you!

  3. I have many student struggling with selecting the correct gender for pronouns. This would be great!
