Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Skiing Through Pragmatics

 This activity can be found here

 20% off January 3 and 4

Problem Solving Level 1
Each card contains a social situation. Have your students read each card and discuss possible solutions. If answered correctly, students can keep their cards. Keep a look out for mountains, some will make you lose cards and your turn. The student with the most cards is the winner.
Contains: 30 cards and 12 special cards

Problem Solving Level 2
Grades 4-6
Each card contains a social situation. Have your students read each card and discuss possible solutions. If answered correctly, students can keep their cards. Keep a look out for mountains, some will make you lose cards and your turn. The student with the most cards is the winner.
Contains: 18 cards and 12 special cards

Perspective Taking
*Students will read the statements then determine what other people might perceive from the experience. If they answer correctly, the student keeps the card.
The student with the most ski goggles is the winner.
-12 special cards
-30 perspective taking cards
-Six blank cards

Conversation Starters
*Have the student choose a card and read the topic.
The student begins the conversation about that topic and must maintain that topic through three conversational exchanges with the SLP/peer.
-18 cards
-Six blank cards

Level 1 Problem Solving      

Level 2 Problem Solving

Perspective Taking                                                

Conversation Starters  

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